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The Drive Partnership, in collaboration with Durham University, launches new data collection tool to improve responses to domestic abuse within LGBT+ communities

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The Drive Partnership, in collaboration with Durham University, has launched a new data collection tool to increase the quantity and quality of data on LGBT+ perpetrators in order to support the development of specialist perpetrator interventions that better address domestic abuse within LGBT+ communities.

Working to improve responses to domestic abuse within LGBT+ communities is a key focus of the Drive Partnership’s National Systems Change work to address systemic gaps in responses to perpetrators across national systems and minoritised and marginalized communities. Despite the high prevalence of domestic abuse across LGBT+ communities; there is limited knowledge on domestic abuse within LGBT+ communities, limited understanding of the needs that people within these communities might have, and limited evidence on what interventions would be most effective in reducing the risk of perpetrators within LGBT+ communities and increasing the long-term safety of victim-survivors.

The anonymised case study collection tool, which has been approved by Durham University Ethics Committee, will enable practitioners to help address the systemic gap in responses to domestic abuse within LGBT+ communities by providing anonymised data about an LGBT+ perpetrator that they have worked with, or who has been referred to their service. The case study collection tool also allows practitioners to share anonymised information given by the perpetrator about the victim-survivor(s) associated with that perpetrator. Case studies will be collected over the next 12 months from practitioners across England and Wales; with findings then published to support the development of improved responses to domestic abuse with LGBT+ communities across the sector.

For further informaton, and to complete the survey or share with relevant colleagues, please click here.