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For Professionals

Two overlapping triangles, one pink and one green, adding visual interest, and contrasting colors to the background.

The Drive Partnership offers support and guidance for practitioners delivering our interventions, as well as other professionals who may come into contact with high-harm, high-risk perpetrators of domestic abuse in the course of their work. We offer the following resources:

Accessing these resources

These resources are password protected. If you would like access, please email: info@drivepartnership.org.uk. In order to grant access and provide you with login details, we will need confirmation of your name, job title, email address and organisation.

Support and guidance via email

We are also able to offer support and guidance via email to professionals who are working with high-harm, high-risk perpetrators of domestic abuse. To use this service, please email: practice@drivepartnership.org.uk

Respect Phoneline

Additionally, if you are supporting or concerned about a perpetrator of domestic abuse and need urgent guidance, contact the Respect Phoneline on 0808 8024040.