Restart strategic briefing
DownloadThis strategic briefing has been written to highlight how different sectors, specifically children’s social care and housing, can collaborate to address the behaviour of domestic abuse perpetrators and keep adult and child victim-survivors safer. It uses the Restart Pilot, developed by the Drive Partnership, MOPAC, Cranstoun and DAHA as an example to demonstrate the opportunities and challenges of collaborative working identified within a practice context. This briefing primarily draws from a variety of data sources produced by, on behalf of or in collaboration with the Drive Partnership including:
- Restart Pilot Interim and Year 1 Evaluations by RedQuadrant
- Restart Pilot quarterly reporting data
- Working with people who perpetrate domestic violence and abuse in families: literature review summary report and strategic briefing by Research in Practice
- Learning report: research on the housing rights of perpetrators, and on other accommodation projects for perpetrators by Standing Together & DAHA
This strategic briefing is aimed at commissioners, commissioning bodies and policy makers who are concerned with ending domestic abuse, children’s social care and housing. It contains sections on
- Background and policy context
- Developing existing practice in children’s social care
- The importance of a focus on perpetrators of domestic abuse in multi-agency working
- Opportunities for developing the evidence base around perpetrator work